Option #1 The "I only need a little inspiration" Bride
This option is for the DIY Bride who has all the latest gadgets, craft supplies, jars of buttons, rolls of ribbon, and even a stamp or two. You watch t.v, read magazines, and automatically want to create something because you know you can. You will likely be the type of Bride who makes everything yourself (occasionally recruiting a few of your friends by inviting them for snacks and wine, and then surprise... we are making wedding favours!). Been there, done that! So if all you need is a little inspiration, inspiration is what you will get...
Check out these websites:
First of all, you have come to the right place (enter modest plug here ---> Everything Wedding DIY). Feel free to browse this blog for DIY Wedding ideas :)
<--------- DIY Flower Girl Baskets
DIY Vintage Brooch Bouquet
(Click the image to go directly to this How-To)
DIY Natural Boutonnieres
(Click the image to go directly to this How-To)

DIY Bird Cage Veil & Facinator
DIY Birdie Cake Topper
Another adorable blog I just happened to stumble upon is this one, full of wedding inspiration! Wedding Obsessed, check out some of the adorable DIY ideas I found on the first 5 pages... I will definately be spending more time on this one scoping out ideas for my sister-in-law's upcoming wedding.
<--- DIY
Hair Pin
DIY Earthy Outdoor ------->
Place Settings
Handmade Bride and Groom Seat Markers and Dried Flower Place Settings
Here are some other really great websites full of inspiration:
Style Me Pretty
Offbeat Bride
Intimate Weddings
Option #2 The "I'm crafty, but not that crafty" Bride
This option is for the DIY Bride who has some skills such as being able to use a glue gun and some sparkle, and tying a pretty bow or two but when it comes to having all of the supplies you are lacking. Fear not, there are places you can go for this... you don't always have to pick up every crafting tool just to DIY some of your wedding details especially if you don't plan on picking up a fancy paper punch or spool of ribbon again. First of all use the above websites, magazines, and wedding Youtube videos for inspiration, plan out your projects, and then make a list of the items you will need to start creating. There is always somewhere to go where someone else has done half of the work for you, saving you time and in many cases money (since you don't have to go out and buy tools you will never use again).
Check out Simple Paper Indulgences' Shop:
This shop is a great start to begin browsing material to use in your DIY Wedding details. Jo is the shop owner and has a great story to share about how her shop got started...
My example in life were/are my parents and step parent. All three of these people were amazing self made business people, working hard to make ends meet and aiming for being debt free. My mom and dad both immigrated from Holland way back in 1949 when they were 5 years old to meet later in life in western Canada. As a child I saw them start and make a go of their own business all the while having "home" as the priority. After my dad's passing, my mom remarried another wonderful man who had the same values of home and family who also ran his own business. Now as an adult, who home schools our two children, I have a lot of opportunity to find inspiration in the things that have always been important, the preciousness of time and family, and frugal living. Out of that was born my craft, salvaging fine papers from amazing vintage books and other sources, and also finding new sources for paper that still holds a high standard of quality that is not so common in today's mass produced world.
I think what I have to offer the DIY bride is the ability to get some unusual handmade supplies that they can then add their own touches to, or put together in their own creative way. I've sold to many brides and gotten pictures back from them for how they've used my items and their creativity for stunning place cards, table centerpieces, guest favors, invitations and more.
My top 3 item pics,
Here are some others, just click the image to go straight to the listing:
Here are some other really great shops and sites:
East Coast Bride
Simply Sassy Source
The Front Porch
Sunshine Shoppe Supply
Cheap Bulk Candles
The Wedding Shoppe
Evergreen Memories
Option #3 The "I want Handmade but not with these hands" Bride
This option is for the DIY Bride who values the time and effort put into handmade items and the uniqueness of DIY details however does not have a crafty bone in her body. You want a DIY look and a handmade feel however you don't have the time to invest in all of the little details. In that case look no further than Etsy where you can find literally anything when it comes to handmade wedding items. I'm not kidding, try it for yourself...
... want a handmade wedding dress
... want a unique flower girl basket
... want a matching set of ties for your Groom and his Groomsmen
... want a Photobooth sign for a unique wedding backdrop
... want a brooch bouquet but just can't find the time to make one
I could go on forever (really, I can't even count the hours I have spent on Etsy) but try it out yourself!
In the end your wedding day will be better than you can even imagine, all of the little details will come together and in the end you are creating more memories with your life partner that will become one of the sweetest moments you will have together. Its the beginning of your life as a married couple, there will be ups and downs during the wedding planning process and some ups and downs after you get married but never forget, the little details.
Great! Thank you so much for including our shop!